Who We Are
To invite all generations to explore faith, encounter God’s presence, and be released to advance His kingdom
A local church changing our nation for God’s glory.
God’s Word | His Presence
We Raise up & Send out
We Give our best
Everyone is Welcome
Jesus is at the center
Who is Jesus?
His Life
Jesus was born of a virgin (Mary) who had conceived by a miracle of the Holy Spirit. He was fully God and fully man as He lived on the earth without sin. He coexisted in eternity with the Father and the Holy Spirit; He was present and operated in the creation of the world. Christ’s sinlessness gave Him the authority to be the substitute for our sins by giving His life as a ransom on the cross.
Jesus taught with authority, healed the sick, performed miracles and cast out demons. He had compassion on the poor and the outcast and was called a friend of sinners.
His Death
Jesus was falsely accused and sentenced to death by the Roman execution of crucifixion. He was buried in a stone tomb, and after three days He arose from the dead (as He had predicted), and appeared to many people including five hundred at one time. By His resurrection Jesus has become the means of salvation and eternal life to all who will believe in Him (John 3:16; John 14:6)
His Resurrection
He ascended to heaven to the right have of the Father and has promised that He will one day return to receive those who are waiting for Him and living according to His commands.

In the early 1920’s a small group of people banded together to pray for a Pentecostal work in Regina. God answered that prayer through raising up evangelists and leaders who established the Apostolic Mission (1739 Scarth Street), which has now become Regina Apostolic Church. Over the years God has continued to be gracious allowing us to witness miracles, signs, and wonders, including unique seasons of growth, expansion and provision as we have continued to follow God’s leading and stepping out in faith.
Regina Apostolic Church is affiliated with the Apostolic Church of Pentecost (ACOP), a fellowship of churches that is united to be a global movement of passionate people extending God’s grace and igniting hope in every community. We are aligned with ACOP’s statement of faith, positions and practices. You can find the document here.