Care Team Network
A ministry to empower those within our church to share, connect, and support one another in practical and meaningful ways, ensuring that nobody falls through the cracks and everyone feels connected at RAC.
If you would like to participate in this effort to care for and connect our RAC family, please click the link below to register and we’ll soon be in contact with more opportunities. If you have any other questions, please contact Pastor Jim at pastorjim@reginaap.com.
RAC Care Network Strategy
Our goal as a church is to ensure that each person connected with RAC feels loved, supported, and has a sense of belonging within the Body of Christ. It’s not unusual in a church of our size for people to feel left out or forgotten.
In many churches, small groups are used as a means of connecting people. This works very well until something changes, and those people are no longer part of that group (health, work, location, change of curriculum, day/time, or that group no longer exists). In many cases, especially for those who are only loosely connected in a church, it’s easy to begin feeling disconnected.
We have established a Care Team Network of trusted individuals from within RAC to serve. Each one has the responsibility to connect and care for a small number of people within the church, regularly praying for each person, making contact, and staying apprised of any needs that they may have.
Once someone becomes a Care Team leader, they work with the Pastor of Care to compile a list of 10-15 people for their group, which will include those they already know and care about.
We see the Care Network as a safety net for everyone who calls RAC their church home. It isn’t the single answer that guarantees connection, but we believe it can be a significant piece. Our goal is that no one is lost or forgotten, and that we can integrate new people quickly into the life of RAC.
The major responsibilities of a Care Team Leader are:
Pray regularly for your group of people, including their family.
Watch for these people/families at church, church events or elsewhere and make a point of connecting.
Arrange for coffee or a meal with them as you get to know them better periodically.