Group Life
Exploring LIFE and Faith Together … Discovering the Joy of Belonging!
Connection Starts Here!
Small groups are one of the best places to make personal life connections where you explore life and faith together, and discover the joy of belonging. It’s here where you can give and receive care and be known and accepted as you are!
Every church needs points of entry to ensure that this kind of meaningful connection and belonging can happen. GroupLIFE is the banner under which we advertise and promote our small groups—a variety of groups that are organized into five category types for easy accessibility and availability. Plug in at any time according to your interest or need and get connected into the life of our church.
These are seasonal common interest life- and/or ethnic specific groups that are perfect for connecting and building friendships with people who are interested in what you are.
These are short-term next step, foundation-based, discipleship-focused study groups, ranging anywhere from 4-12 weeks in length.
These are needs- and/or focus-based care support groups, such as DivorceCare, LIFE After Divorce, GriefShare, CancerCare, Freedom in Christ, addictions recovery, etc.
These are longer-term life-based groups that meet for the purpose of connection, accountability, and spiritual growth.
These are biblical- and/or topical-based electives, classes, series, LIFECourses, and study groups for the purpose of developing and deepening your knowledge and understanding of the Bible, leadership, ministry, gifting, calling, LIFE planning, and cultural issues.