Child Dedication
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Luke 18:16 NIV)
Dedicating your child to the Lord is one of the most meaningful expressions of love that you, as a parent, can initiate on behalf of your child's future. It is an opportunity for followers of Jesus to publicly declare our commitment and desire to raise up our children in the way of the Lord according to the Scriptures - to dedicate both our children and our parenting to God in community.
We are excited to start something fresh! We have 2-3 specific Sundays a year that will be set aside for doing child dedications.
By having these special Sundays each year it allows this important moment in the families lives to be one that is not only celebrated by their immediate family but also by their church family. The services will be designed around reaffirming our commitment as a church family to support families as well as providing an opportunity to bless and celebrate together beyond what used to be just a moment in the service.
If you have a son or daughter that you would like to have dedicated - please fill out the form below.
Note: If you would prefer to have a private dedication, at a date of your choosing, outside of the weekend services, one of the pastors would be willing to facilitate this (this is one of the options on the form).
Child Dedication & Celebration Services Upcoming Dates:
Sunday February 9, 2025
Sunday May 11, 2025