Next Gen Volunteer Oppotunities
Regina Apostolic Church Next Gen Ministry
Volunteer Applications
At RAC, volunteers show up and work together in their unique roles to create a fun and engaging environment for kids/youth to learn who God is and how He wants them to live. We could not have our children’s ministry without the incredible volunteers who offer their gifts to serve along with us in Next Gen Ministries.
We have a short process for volunteering in Next Gen Ministries as we are passionate about protecting our kids/youth and volunteers.
1. Application (links below).
2. Criminal Record Check Completed (18+ years of age).
3. Interview / Pastoral Reference (link below to be filled out by a pastor/mentor).
4. Plan to Protect Orientation (once a year).
The application below is to be filled out by anyone who is wanting to volunteer
with kids/youth at Regina Apostolic Church in a non-teaching role.
The application below is to be filled out by anyone who is wanting to volunteer
with kids/youth at Regina Apostolic Church in a teaching or small group leader role.
If you have any questions, please contact Yolanda at yolanda@reginaap.com